Driving in What Lane? Hey!
Did you ever run into somebody you hadanna seen in many years? Well, it happened ta me da udder day. I was crossing Wisteria Lane ta pick up the newspaper because our newspaper boy is dysrexic. He always throws the paper on da opposite side a da street where you live. Just as I bent down ta pick up da paper I got hit in the bum by a delivery truck. It turns out that da driver was Connie Leitzoff, somebody dat I knew from da fifth grade at St. Mary's in da Greenwood. She was working for ADD Messenger Service and as da cop filled out the accident report we talked about her job. She used ta be a newspaper girl in da fifth grade. We used ta pick on her a lot in da fifth grade cause she couldn't stay focused and she would always yell out Hey You! when she wanted ta talk ta you. Da company started out as a Newspaper Distribution Service. A.D.D. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shimmy and Shake Communications Inc. located in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Dey been successfully distributing local and out-of-town newspapers to retailers and businesses since 1998. Da list includes The Unterrified Democrat, The Daily Boomerang and Da Birmingham Eccentric
In the past year der large and diverse fleet of vehicles has enabled dem ta incorporate the added feature of courier and freight transport services primarily but not limited to da local and tri-state areas. Der customers play a key role in der success so providing the best service possible is der number one priority.
It's a cutthroat business she said cause there are so many competing messenger services like da newly opened one, Aristophanes Frog Hoppin Messenger Service, which was started by a Greek guy from Meshoppen, but den branched out ta Scranton and vicinity. He started out with bicycles but den went ta mopeds and it's easier ta hear dem cause dey sound like high pitched buzzing bees or masquitas, instead a guys grunting on mountain bikes.
I saw Connie again da udder day after da accident. Dis time I knew she was coming cause she yelled Hey, You! out da window a her ADD Van.