The Frog and the Butterfly
Well we got da usual Christmas activities down at da Westside Senior Citizen Center. So I went down to a talk by Jean Gingerello. She was a motivational speaker and her topic was "How ta cope wid da Hollyday Stress" I was a very interesting talk with a lot of practical suggestions about staying motivated and uplifted, but der was a particular moment in da program dat lifted me up. She was talking about a female iceskater who used practical objects as motivation cymbals. She said, or I taught she said, she wore a little picture of a frog on one boob to motivate her ta leap high like a frog and a butterfly on da udder boob to motivate her ta land like a butterfly. I raised my hand ta ask da oblvious question on which boob was da frog da left or da right? Laughter broke out and den she said that she had said boot, not boob. I said maybe you shouldda said skates. Boy I gotta get my hearing checked.